Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Ivy League

Many years ago, ivy was planted by The Enchanted Cottage, which sounds lovely, but the reality was that it was taking over the house and garage. Soooo much ivy. It was so overgrown, it was adult phase ivy in some places. Adult phase ivy looks different from what you normally think of when you think of ivy. Here's an example:

While it was biologically interesting, it was a monster. There were places it was literally growing into the house. Plus: critters. It had to go. The before and after is pretty amazing. 

Side of the house:

Back of the house (note - this is the second floor):

The Sun Room (or, as HWM calls it - The Florida Room) is actually getting sun again!

We found a door. Let's just say it again - we found a door. HWM says it's a portal, a la H.P. Lovecraft:

It's still amazing me, the difference the removal made. The house can breathe again! 

1 comment:

  1. I use to have ivy on my house. One year I went into the attic (old fashioned pull down stairs, rarely used space) and found the ivy had crept in and was growing happily all over the inside of my attic. Down it came!!
    Beautiful plant, on someone elses house.
